How Many Ounces Are in a Cup—and Other Measurement Morsels

A measuring cup that amounts to 1 cup or converted measurements of 8 ounces, 16 tablespoons, or 240 milliliters. A measuring spoon set showing one spoon that amounts to 1 tablespoon or converted measurements of 1/2 ounce or 3 teaspoons.
Credit: NIGMS.

Do you find yourself frustrated while baking when trying to convert between measuring units, like cups to ounces? First of all, we can help with that one: 1 cup is equal to 8 ounces (oz), 16 tablespoons (Tbsp), 48 teaspoons (tsp), or 240 milliliters (mL).

Based on their names, you can probably guess that people began using the tools they had, like cups, teaspoons, and tablespoons, to measure ingredients in the kitchen. They eventually standardized these units of measure because not all spoons or cups were the same size. So now, instead of a recipe calling for milk that fills half a teacup or enough water to fill a coffee cup, we use the standard measuring cup, tablespoon, and teaspoon. In the research lab, scientists use scales and balances to measure solids—not cups—and a variety of tools to measure liquid, from syringes and pipettes to graduated cylinders and flasks—but never spoons!

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Inventing New Ways to Build Bonds: Q&A With Elias Picazo

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 A portrait image of Dr. Elias Picazo.
Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Elias Picazo.

“Science has always impacted me, but I didn’t realize how much until I actually became a scientist,” says Elias Picazo, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. We talked to Dr. Picazo about his path to becoming a scientist, some of the challenges he faced along the way, and his research inventing new ways to make chemical bonds.

Get to Know Dr. Picazo

  • Books or movies? Movies
  • Beach or mountains? Mountains
  • Favorite music genre? Pop
  • Rainy or sunny? Sunny
  • Salty or sweet? Sweet
  • Music or podcast? Podcast
  • Washing glassware in the lab or dishes in your kitchen? Glassware
  • Favorite lab tool? Magnetic stirrer
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Cells by the Numbers

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If you like this post, check out our other “By the Numbers” posts!

Cells are the basic unit of life—and the focus of much scientific study. They’re categorized based on whether or not they have a distinct nucleus. Prokaryotic cells, like some bacteria such as blue-green algae, don’t have distinct nuclei. Instead, their nuclear material is spread throughout the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells—or cells with nuclei—make up humans, animals, plants, and fungi. Here are just a few of cells’ fascinating facets.

30 Trillion

That’s about how many human cells adults have in their bodies. Males are on the higher side with about 36 trillion cells, while females average about 28 trillion cells.

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Building the Future of Research: Celebrating Postdocs and Training Programs


To celebrate the 2024 National Postdoc Appreciation Week, we’re revisiting some scientists we’ve interviewed on the blog and how their postdoctoral experiences and NIGMS-funded training shaped their careers.

Headshots of the six researchers featured in the blog post.
Top row, left to right: Drs. Ahna Skop, Jeff Mudridge, and Nkrumah Grant. Bottom row, left to right: Drs. Mia Huang, Jesse Hall, and Caroline Palavicino-Maggio. Credit: NIGMS.
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Sepsis in the Spotlight


Sepsis is a condition that can occur when a person’s immune system responds inappropriately to an insult, such as an infection or injury. This condition occurs unpredictably and can be life threatening. Of the 1.7 million adults in the U.S. who develop sepsis every year, at least 350,000 die as a result.

Learn more about sepsis and the future of sepsis research with this infographic. Click to enlarge. Also available in Spanish. Credit: NIGMS.
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What Careers Can Biomedical Scientists Have?

This post is part of a miniseries on becoming a biomedical scientist. Check out other posts in the series if you missed them!

Many of us enjoy learning about topics like plants, weather, or rocks, but did you know that you can make a career out of your love for science? Scientist is a job title, just like carpenter, firefighter, or lawyer. At NIGMS, we work to get students interested in careers in health science. Read on to learn about some of the different jobs that biomedical scientists do and the level of education they require. (Find more info on the different education paths in our first post of this series.) And who knows, maybe this post will spark your interest in pursuing one of these jobs in the future!

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Membranes, Malaria, and the Mosaic of Science: Q&A With John Jimah

Dr. John Jimah standing in a lab.
Credit: Todd Reichert, Princeton University.

“I think it’s really an exciting time for science. Some people might think that everything out there to be discovered has already been discovered, but that’s far from the truth. There is still much, much more to discover,” says John Jimah, Ph.D., an assistant professor of molecular biology at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. We talked with him about how he moved internationally to pursue his career, how his current research on cell membranes could help treat malaria, and how science holds space for everyone.

Get to Know Dr. Jimah

  • Books or movies? Movies
  • Coffee or tea? Mocha
  • Beach or mountains? Beach
  • Cats or dogs? Dogs
  • Music, podcasts, or quiet? Podcasts
  • Early bird or night owl? Early bird
  • Childhood dream job? Judge
  • Favorite hobby? Bicycling
  • Favorite piece of lab safety equipment? Gloves
  • A scientist (past or present) you’d like to meet? Leonardo da Vinci
Continue reading “Membranes, Malaria, and the Mosaic of Science: Q&A With John Jimah”

What Is a Neurotransmitter?


Have you wondered what controls the most basic functions of our bodies, like breathing, moving, and sleeping? Chemicals called neurotransmitters play a central role. Neurotransmitters pass messages from one nerve cell to another, and sometimes to muscles or glands. These messages may:

  • Prompt the next nerve cell to pass on the message, prevent the message from going any further, or adjust how the message is passed on
  • Cause a muscle to contract, like our intestines do when they digest food
  • Tell a gland to secrete hormones, which are molecules that further pass on messages to tissues or organs

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Science Snippet: The Significance of Symbiotic Relationships


Relationships are complicated, even in nature. Two unrelated species living close together and interacting for survival is called symbiosis. There are three types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.

An orange and white striped fish surrounded by many short, pale tentacles of a sea anemone.
A sea anemone sheltering a clownfish. Credit: iStock.

In a mutualistic relationship, both organisms benefit from the interaction. One example is the relationship between honeybees and flowers. Honeybees drink nectar from flowers, collecting and carrying pollen as they fly from one flower to another. Nectar allows bees to make honey, and spreading pollen helps flowers reproduce. Another example of a mutualistic relationship is between clownfish and sea anemones. The sea anemone provides protection and shelter, while clownfish waste provides the sea anemone with nutrients.

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From Fireflies to Physiology: Q&A With Yvon Woappi

A headshot of Dr. Woappi.
Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Yvon Woappi.

“In high school, one of my teachers encouraged me to take an advanced biology class, and I’m so glad I did,” says Yvon Woappi, Ph.D. “The class opened my eyes to the fact that there were other people who loved nature like I did—they’re called biologists!” Now, Dr. Woappi is an assistant professor of physiology and cellular biophysics at Columbia University in New York City. We talked with him about his early love of nature and the night sky, the support he received from NIGMS training programs, and his research on wound healing.

Get to Know Dr. Woappi

  • Coffee or tea? Tea
  • Favorite music genre? Makossa, which originated in Douala, Cameroon
  • Cats or dogs? Cats
  • Rainy or sunny? Rainy
  • Ocean or lake? Ocean
  • Childhood dream job? Painter
  • Favorite hobby? Chess
  • Favorite lab tool? Fluorescent microscope
  • Favorite pipette size? 100 microliters
  • A scientist (past or present) you’d like to meet? Jonas Salk (who developed a safe and effective polio vaccine)

Continue reading “From Fireflies to Physiology: Q&A With Yvon Woappi”