Happy almost New Year! Throughout 2021 we spoke to more than two dozen NIGMS-supported researchers for the Biomedical Beat blog. They shared their work, career journeys, experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. Here, we’re showcasing a few of their outstanding quotes. You can learn more about these scientists by checking out the links to the original blog posts.

"The more diversity you have in your lab, the better the science, the stronger the science, and the more creative the ideas."
Read more: Career Conversations: Q&A with Microbiologist Josephine Chandler
“When folks participate in the science, when there is good community discussion about the trial designs and the results, then I think those populations may be more trusting of the results.”
Read more: COVID-19 Vaccine and Therapeutic Trials ACTIV-ate in West Virginia
“Having a career in science is really the best way to rechannel the inner child, to remain forever curious about the world.”
Read more: Career Conversations: Q&A with Biological Engineer Brian Munsky
“There’s always uncertainty associated with science: whether a project that you propose is going to take off, whether you’re chosen for a certain job, whether you get the grant that you applied for. Learning to embrace that uncertainty is an important skill.”
Read more: Career Conversations: Q&A with Biologist Akhila Rajan
"The importance of research in people’s day-to-day lives has never been so exemplified as during the pandemic. You could see how a basic science observation, something that was done in the lab, could translate in a matter of weeks into a public health recommendation and then shape how people were behaving."
Read more: Researcher Shares Science en Español and Builds a Community