NIGMS, in collaboration with Scholastic, has developed a collection of free biology and health activities on the educational app Kahoot! You can play them alone, with friends, or with a class of students. Four Kahoots! are currently available:
- Imaging the Microscopic World investigates how researchers view cells, proteins, and other tiny structures.
- Superbugs delves into infectious bacteria and viruses that can’t be fought off with medicines.
- The Science of Sleep explores biological clocks and circadian rhythms.
- Regeneration highlights how animals replace or restore damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts.

Each activity was produced as part of Pathways—themed collections of resources for teaching students in grades 6 to 12 about basic science and its importance to health, along with a look into exciting research careers. In addition to Kahoot!, Pathways includes student magazines, teaching guides, videos, and more. All of these materials are available for free on the Pathways webpage.
Looking for even more fun and educational interactives? Check out our activities and multimedia webpage.